British Carp Cup Singles Championship Qualifier June 2019

It was a hard fought competition with carp coming out after the first few hours and a steady stream throughout the match.
The top 3 were pretty close till the last morning with only 10lb seperating 1st and 3rd place going into the final few hours but with Jamie landing another carp that morning of 20lb 13oz it took him to his winning total of 122lb 5oz. He was closely followed by Tony on 96lb 3oz and Simon on 91lb 10oz.
In total 29 carp were landed at a combined weight of just over 500lb.
As always at Wetlands something unusual happens and in this case it was a surprise for Jamie, Mark and Simon on pegs 3,4,5. At around 2am on Saturday morning both Jamies and Marks alarms went off. Both Jamie and Mark came out of thier bivvies with headtorches on only to see a Wallaby on the bank. The Wallaby was so excited about the fishing competition that it went for a sneak peak. After triggering a couple of alarms to keep the fishermen on their toes and making sure they were all on it he took himself back to the enclosure where staff found him trying to let himself back into the enclosure. He is safe and well.
A great competition by a great set of anglers.
Well done to all and good luck to the qualifiers Jamie,Tony and Simon at the final.

British Carp Cups Ladies Pairs Championship March 2017.
The first ever British Carp Cup Ladies Pairs Championship.
Another fantastic event run by the BCC. A challenging competition in challenging conditions. Heavy rainfall, low air pressure and the water level down from its ultimate upper level.
The first carp out was only 15 minutes into the competiton, with a second carp some 30 minutes later.
Peg 3 came alive early evening for Elaine Taylor and Debbie Taylor taking them into an early lead. The fishing slowed down, but still more carp came out during the rest of the event but it wouldnt impact on the leaders Elaine and Debbie who increased thier lead in the last 10 minutes of the competition.
Congratulations to the new Ladies Pairs Champions Elaine Taylor & Debbie Taylor. Congratulations to the runner ups 2nd place Becky Sharman / Nicola Stannard and 3rd place Paula Marriot / Lyn Worster and well done to all the ladies who took part in this new championship.

British Carp Cups Ladies Championship September 2016.
The second ever British Carp Cup Ladies Championship.
A fantastic event run by the BCC. A very tense competition with fish caught and lost around the lake but the eventual winner was Emily Blake with a winning weight of 62lb 7oz for 4 fish which included a new "PB" for Emily by landing "Timms" @ 26lb 15oz.
In second place was Debbie Taylor with 2 fish for 29lb 5oz.
In third place (again) Amanda Curtis who finished with 1 fish and also has a new "PB" by landing "Quasi" @ 20lb 14oz.
Congratulations to the new Ladies Champion Emily Blake and to all the ladies who took part.

British Carp Cups Ladies Championship May 2015.
There you go folks. A fantastic event run by the BCC for their first ever televised Ladies Carp Cup. A very tense competition with fish caught and lost around the lake but the eventual winner was Elaine Taylor with a winning weight of 77lb 10oz for 6 fish followed closely by Emily Blake in 2nd and Amanda Curtis in 3rd. Congratulations Elaine, Emily and Amanda from all at Wetlands Carp Fishing.

All the entrants flanked by Mick and Belinda from the BCC.

Jo Green

Jo Green

Elaine Taylor