Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 7a - The Finger - Monday 21/09 to 22/09.
"Should it stay, or should it go?" A misquote from a classic song by English punk band 'The Clash', released in June 1981. It's a...
Krelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 7a - The Finger - Monday 14/09 to 15/09.
OK, so I flouted my 'No fishing without first scouring the lake' rule once again. However, on this occasion, I think I can be excused, as...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 4 - The Sandbank - Monday 07/09 to 08/09.
Location, location, location! After banging on about it at regular intervals, you'd have thought by now that I'd have learned my lesson,...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 4 - The Sandbank - Thursday 02/09 to 03/09.
It's odd isn't it, that after an absolutely cracking session, when carp seem to practically throw themselves into your landing net, the...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 4 - The Sandbank - Monday 24/08 to 25/08.
Occasionally, carp anglers are treated to a session that is utterly magical. The experience evokes memories of being a wide-eyed child...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 4 - The Sandbank - Monday 17/08 to 18/08.
"You have to take the rough with the smooth". Apparently, this old adage was recorded around 1400. The inference is that you have to...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 6 - The Pipe - Monday 10/08 to 11/08.
The session this week was always going to be a major departure from the norm, for one principle reason; namely, that I was accompanied...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 2 - The Arm - Monday 03/08 to 04/08.
No doubt we all experience the odd set-back in our carp fishing. Occasionally, one mishap is quickly followed by others and before we...
Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 7 - The Fingers - Monday 27/07 to 28/07.
Last week, my cast iron resolve not to commence fishing, until I had found carp and thoroughly familiarised myself with the lake bed,...
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Kelvin Alwood
24 Hr Session, Peg 2 - The Arm - Monday 20/07 to 21/07.
Most of my old school reports have long since been forgotten about, or more likely been permanently blocked out of my mind, to avoid...